At Peace, Not in Pieces
At Peace is my journey to finding tranquility and serenity in my daily walk with disappointments, diagnosis with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), failures and successes.

Policy Vets: The Podcast
What To Do About Cannabis? Can It Help Veterans? Cherissa Jackson, Chief Medical Executive at AMVETS (American Veterans), a registered nurse, a veteran and PTSD survivor, discusses her perspective on Cannabis and the impact it is having on the veteran community.

Washington Post: Star Nurses
Nightingale Award Winner - Cherissa Jackson, RN.
Cherissa Jackson has covered a lot of ground. She traveled thousands of miles to complete her tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. Back at home, she has logged hundreds of miles running—in an attempt to outrun her post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

How Running Saved Me From PTSD: Even in the trenches in Iraq and Afghanistan, combat nurse Cherissa Jackson worked out to purge her mind of what she saw.

Let's Be Blunt: Montel
On this episode of Let’s be Blunt, Montel talks with the Chief Medical Executive for AMVETS, Cherissa Jackson. AMVETS is one of the oldest and largest VSO’s (Veteran Service Organization) in the US, and the only one to pass a resolution stating their support for veterans access medical cannabis. Cherissa is a combat nurse veteran who served a total of 23 years in the Air Force, 10 of those as an Air Force nurse.

Fox News
First-of-its-kind conference focuses on women's role in the military.
TAMPA, Fla. - The first Military Women's Conference at the Tampa Convention Center highlighted challenges and possible solutions for thousands of female veterans, spouses of military members, mothers of military members, and females on active duty.
"Coming here for the past two days is a way for me to share with women that they can do it," explained Cherissa Jackson. "If I can do it, they can do it as well."

Cannabis & Tech Today
Breaking the code: Cherissa Jackson explores the genome.

Killer Mike
Tumbleweeds with Killer Mike
Throughout the series, Killer Mike will sit down with comedians such as Jocelyn Chia, Napoleon Emil, and Ngaio Bealum, along with American artist and hip hop pioneer, Fab 5 Freddy, and cannabis advocate and Veteran, Cherissa Jackson.

Baltimore Business Journal
Local tech companies look to get a piece of the growing cannabis market

The New Yorker
The New Yorker describes Cherissa Jackson's efforts to combat PTSD.

High Times
Veteran Chronicles: A Passion for People
Veteran Cherissa Jackson, also known as “America’s Combat Nurse,” is truly dedicated to helping veterans get relief with cannabis.

The Daily Record
The Daily Record today announced its 2016 Top 100 Women.
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